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Faszination Galerieholländer Rysumer Mühle (2023) A3 Kalender Querformat
Faszination Wall-Holländer Greftmühle in Nordhemmern (2023) A3 Kalender Querformat


The windmill Holgate is a tower hollander wind mill in Holgate, York, North Yorkshire, England from the year 1770. The mill was completely windmahlfähig restored from 2003 to 2012 and is York’s last remaining windmill.
The windmill Holgate is a tower hollander wind mill in Holgate, York, North Yorkshire, England from the year 1770. The mill was completely windmahlfähig restored from 2003 to 2012 and is York’s last remaining windmill.
The windmill Holgate is a tower hollander wind mill in Holgate, York, North Yorkshire, England from the year 1770. The mill was completely windmahlfähig restored from 2003 to 2012 and is York’s last remaining windmill.
Greft mill in Hille – Nordhemmern – A Wallholländer has an artificial earth wall instead of a gallery on which it is built. So the impeller gets higher into the wind and the wings can be reached from the artificial earth wall.
Constructed of brick, the Rysum Mill octagonal gallery hollander is now three stories high. In 1895 it was originally built as a two-story octagonal gallery hollander with a miller’s house. In 1989, the Rysum community of interests started the reconstruction of the mill and on its 100th birthday it could be rededicated fully functional. The interior is lovingly maintained and can be visited.


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